The second compilation, The King of Fighters NESTS Hen ( ザキングオブファイターズ -ネスツ編-, The NESTS Compilation), features the original Neo Geo versions of KOF '99, KOF 2000, and KOF 2001, as well as the corresponding Dreamcast versions of each game. The compilation features a Color Edit mode that allows the player to create a custom color palette for every character in each game, the choice to play each game with original and arranged soundtracks, and an online versus mode which supports the Multi-Matching BB (MMBB) service. The first compilation, The King of Fighters Orochi Hen ( ザキングオブファイターズ -オロチ編-, The Orochi Compilation) features KOF '95, KOF '96, and KOF '97, the three games comprising the Orochi story arc. Two KOF compilations were released in Japan for the PlayStation 2 as part of the.

Compilations In addition to the remakes of games such as Re-bout, Ultimate Match, and Unlimited Match, SNK has released compilations of their KOF games. The characters have also been guests in other mobile games such as Kyo in Fighting Days.