
King of fighters 3ds cia
King of fighters 3ds cia

king of fighters 3ds cia

The second compilation, The King of Fighters NESTS Hen ( ザキングオブファイターズ -ネスツ編-, The NESTS Compilation), features the original Neo Geo versions of KOF '99, KOF 2000, and KOF 2001, as well as the corresponding Dreamcast versions of each game. The compilation features a Color Edit mode that allows the player to create a custom color palette for every character in each game, the choice to play each game with original and arranged soundtracks, and an online versus mode which supports the Multi-Matching BB (MMBB) service. The first compilation, The King of Fighters Orochi Hen ( ザキングオブファイターズ -オロチ編-, The Orochi Compilation) features KOF '95, KOF '96, and KOF '97, the three games comprising the Orochi story arc. Two KOF compilations were released in Japan for the PlayStation 2 as part of the.

king of fighters 3ds cia king of fighters 3ds cia

Compilations In addition to the remakes of games such as Re-bout, Ultimate Match, and Unlimited Match, SNK has released compilations of their KOF games. The characters have also been guests in other mobile games such as Kyo in Fighting Days.

King of fighters 3ds cia